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Terms and conditions

In the implementation of the provisions of this agreement, the words and phrases mentioned herein shall have the same meaning as stated in the Telecommunications Service Users' Rights Regulation. Additionally, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated next to each of them unless the context requires otherwise:




Company: Connect Arabia S.P.C (FRiENDi)


Authority: Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA).


Beneficiary: The person to whom telecommunications services are provided or who requests such services from the licensed party.


Telecommunications Services: Services as defined in the Telecommunications Regulatory Law, which are partially or wholly provided by the company, regardless of the systems or means used.


Unified Service Agreement: A general agreement for beneficiaries that includes the terms and methods of providing the licensed telecommunications services to the beneficiary.


Financial Guarantee: A monetary amount deposited by the beneficiary with the company as a guarantee for the payment of any future financial obligations due to the company.


Force Majeure: Events that cannot be foreseen, avoided, or prevented, or countered with effective precautionary measures without any error or negligence, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, wars, pandemics, which result in the contractual obligation becoming onerous, though not impossible to perform.


Fair Use Policy: A policy aimed at protecting the network resources available to beneficiaries by imposing a set of restrictions or maximum limits to prevent misuse of the service, ensuring that every beneficiary can use the service fairly.


International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI): A unique 15-digit identifier assigned by the International Mobile Equipment Association to every mobile communications device in the world, which cannot be duplicated on another mobile device.



Terms and Conditions of Providing Telecommunications Services


This agreement takes effect from the date of activation of the beneficiary's number and continues until:

  • Legal termination of the agreement by either party in accordance with its provisions.

  • Expiration of its duration.

The beneficiary shall have the right to obtain a copy of this agreement.


The beneficiary agrees to pay the applicable tariff, and the company commits to providing the service according to the terms and conditions of this agreement, while complying with the approvals and accreditations issued by the Authority.


In case of any conflict between the provisions of this agreement and any other rule issued by the Authority, the specific rule shall prevail, provided that the approval of the Authority is obtained. The company does not have the right to amend the terms and conditions of this agreement without obtaining the explicit approval of the Authority for such amendments. The company is also obligated to notify the beneficiary of any amendments to these terms and conditions through available channels, such as the FRiENDi app, SMS, or any other means determined by the Authority. If there is any discrepancy between the printed version of this unified agreement and the electronic version available on the company's website (, the electronic version shall prevail.


For services that have not yet been activated by the company, the company must inform the beneficiary of the service activation start date. If the expected date for service activation is unknown, the company must inform the beneficiary in writing, stating the reasons for the inability to determine the expected activation date. The company is also committed to periodically updating the beneficiary with the latest developments.


The company offers a range of products and services, and not all of the products and services available in the company's external markets may be available in the local market.


The beneficiary can obtain the company's services through: • The FRiENDi app available on the Apple Store and Google Play;

• The company's website (;

• Self-service devices;

• And the company's authorized stores. For these, the beneficiary must provide the following:

  • A personal ID card (for Omanis and non-Omani residents) or a passport (for non-Omani tourists);

  • Contact information (such as phone numbers and email addresses);

  • Any other information deemed necessary by the Authority.

These procedures are subject to the approval of the Royal Oman Police, and the company's joining procedures will be suspended until such approval is obtained or canceled in the case of non-approval.


The international data roaming service is provided based on the beneficiary's request.


The international data roaming service is considered separate from the international voice roaming service unless otherwise agreed.

The company is obligated to stop the local data service or the international data roaming service once the beneficiary has fully consumed the data package they subscribed to. In the event of such a suspension, the company is obligated to notify the beneficiary of the suspension, the method of resubscribing to the service, and the additional costs if they wish to continue the service or the option to subscribe to a new package.


Electronic Recharge  

Beneficiaries are allowed to electronically recharge their mobile phone credit, provided that they use credit or debit cards issued in the Sultanate of Oman. This can be done through the company's approved electronic channels, with amounts ranging from 100 Baisas up to a maximum of 50 Omani Rials per transaction.

The procedures and mechanism for electronic recharging are subject to any modifications or updates made by the company from time to time. Please refer to the company's website for the latest terms and conditions.


Delivery Policy  

Beneficiaries may purchase mobile credit, mobile products, or similar packages using the company's recharge gateway. Upon successful completion of the transaction, the purchased amount will be immediately added to the mobile account specified at the time of recharge. If the amount is not added within one business day, the beneficiary should directly contact customer service.


Cancellation Policy  

Orders that have been successfully delivered to the beneficiary according to the delivery policy may not be canceled. However, for orders that have not yet been delivered, they may be canceled, and the paid amount will be refunded to the beneficiary's original payment method. The company may deduct processing fees from the refunded amount for costs related to the order cancellation procedures.


Return and Exchange Terms

If a beneficiary wishes to return or exchange a product purchased online, the following conditions apply:

  • The company reserves the right to accept or reject return or exchange requests for products that have been used, at its sole discretion.

  • In the case of an approved refund, the company has the right to deduct a portion of the refunded product's value in proportion to its condition.

The refunded amount will be added to the beneficiary’s mobile account. If the customer wishes to refund the amount to their bank account or credit card, additional processing fees will be deducted.



Company Obligations:


The company is committed to providing all its services in accordance with the licenses granted to it, and in compliance with the laws, regulations, decisions, and all legislative and regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.


The company is committed to ensuring that all terms and obligations for the telecommunications services provided to all beneficiaries are fair and without any discrimination, as per the Authority's practices.


The company guarantees that any SIM card, regardless of type, is free from any defects in design, manufacturing, or materials used, provided that it is used according to the company's instructions and recommendations.


In the event that the company applies a new tariff, amends some terms of the existing tariff for the service, or modifies the terms and conditions of this agreement, the company is committed to the following:

  • Obtain prior approval from the Authority.

  • Ensure that beneficiaries are notified of the changes through one of the following means:

  • The company’s website and social media channels.

  • Customer service centers and retail outlets.

The Authority may determine the appropriate means, and the new tariff and modified terms will take effect during the legal period specified by the Authority.


The company, after obtaining the prior approval of the beneficiary, has the right to promote its services to the address provided during registration, through the following methods:

  • If the beneficiary is a natural person: via phone calls, SMS, social media, or email.

  • If the beneficiary is a legal entity (company): communication shall be made through the authorized person in the beneficiary company or through the company's website or social media channels.

In all cases, the beneficiary has the right to request stopping the promotion of those services by contacting the company, one of its outlets, or through any other method provided by the company.



Beneficiary Obligations:


Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulations, the beneficiary is required to provide all accurate information that may be requested by the company to enable it to fulfill its obligations under the terms and conditions of this agreement.


  • The beneficiary is not entitled to use the service for purposes other than those specified in the service request.

  • The beneficiary must maintain the identification card(s) for the mobile phone provided by the company as part of the service. In case of loss of the identification card, the beneficiary will be required to pay additional fees to obtain a replacement. 


The beneficiary must pay all the specified fees for the services provided to them. The beneficiary is also responsible for all usage carried out through their account, including usage by any person, as long as it is made using the registered beneficiary's number.


The beneficiary must pay all the specified fees for the services provided to them. The beneficiary is also responsible for all usage carried out through their account, including usage by any person, as long as it is made using the registered beneficiary's number.



Basic Service Quality Requirements


The company is committed to providing the service to the beneficiary in accordance with the Telecommunications Service Quality Regulation. If the company fails to deliver the agreed-upon quality of services, it is obligated to consider compensating the beneficiary, except in cases of force majeure.


If the service is affected, the company is committed to making every effort to restore it as quickly as possible, in line with the regulations and guidelines issued by the Authority. The beneficiary is exempt from paying for the service if it is disrupted due to force majeure or if the service is continuously interrupted for longer than the period specified in the Telecommunications Service Disruption Regulation issued by the Authority.



Services Related to Telecommunications Services


Inquiries and claims related to services can be made by contacting the Beneficiary Service Center at 98400000, through the company's app (Chat with Us), visiting the Beneficiary Service Centers, or through the company's website and social media platforms.



Technical Faults in Telecommunications Services


The beneficiary can report technical faults by calling 98400000, visiting the Beneficiary Service Centers, or through the website, company app, or social media platforms.


When reporting technical issues, the beneficiary must provide the company with all required details, including their phone number, name, and a description of the issue.

The company will immediately work on resolving the issue, and if resolution is not possible, the company will log it as a report and provide the beneficiary with a reference number.


The company is committed to inspecting and repairing technical faults as quickly as possible, within the timeframes specified by the regulations issued by the Authority.



Emergency Service


Beneficiaries can call the free emergency number 9999 in case of emergencies, and they will be connected to the appropriate authority.


If the beneficiary is a victim of cybercrimes, they can report the incident to the Royal Oman Police, and the company will cooperate with the police to provide appropriate support.



Beneficiary Complaints to the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority


Beneficiary complaints regarding service should be submitted to the company in accordance with the Beneficiary Complaints Regulation issued by the company.

The company must resolve the complaint within a period not exceeding five (5) days from the date of submission and within one (1) business day in urgent cases as specified by the Authority. The lack of resolution within this period is considered a rejection of the complaint. The complaint must include relevant facts and the company's proposed solution to decide on the following matters:

  • Bills or complaints related to faults or service.

  • Observations on the quality of service provided.

  • Financial obligations imposed on the beneficiary as a condition for continuing to receive or obtain the service.

  • Disconnection or reconnection of the service.

  • Interpretation of the terms of service.

  • Interpretation or application of any tariffs set by the Authority.

  • Handling of the beneficiary's confidential information.

  • Any breach of confidentiality or privacy terms in the company’s license.

  • Any other matters within the Authority's jurisdiction.



Service Suspension, Interruption, and Termination


In case the beneficiary fails to pay any service fees, the company has the right to suspend the service after notifying the beneficiary.


The beneficiary may request the termination of the service before its expiration date by:

  • Visiting one of the company's outlets.

  • Following the same method through which they subscribed to the service and adhering to the company's applicable procedures.


If the service is suspended or canceled, the company must facilitate the beneficiary's request to terminate, change, or temporarily suspend the subscribed package by contacting the service center or using electronic means.


The company has the right to temporarily restrict or suspend any service, with a notice of at least five (5) business days to the beneficiary, in the following cases:

  • Failure to comply with the service terms.

  • Delay in paying bills or any amounts due to the company.

  • In addition to the above, the company has the right to permanently suspend or restrict any service in the following cases:

  • Using the service for illegal, fraudulent, or criminal activities.

  • Any activity that negatively affects the network.

  • An order issued by the competent judicial authorities.


Without prejudice to Chapter 9 of the Telecommunications Services Beneficiaries Regulation regarding service suspension or cancellation, if there is a technical fault preventing the company from reconnecting the service, the beneficiary has the right to appropriate compensation calculated on a pro-rata basis for the period of service disruption.

If the service is suspended due to the loss or theft of the SIM card, it will be reactivated upon visiting the nearest company outlet or any other channels decided by the company from time to time.


The company, at its discretion and after obtaining the necessary approvals from the Authority, may change the technical specifications of the services, provided that these changes do not significantly affect the performance of the service provided.

Without prejudice to the Telecommunications Service Disruption Regulation issued by the Authority, the company may temporarily suspend the service for operational reasons such as maintenance, service development, upgrades, or in emergencies.



Mobile Phone Service


Prepaid Mobile Service:

  • The validity period of the prepaid mobile service is ninety (90) days, starting from the first call, any subsequent recharge, or any amount transfer.

  • After the ninety (90) days, canceled numbers will go through a quarantine period of an additional ninety (90) days according to the National Numbering Plan issued by the Authority or other regulatory frameworks governing numbers.

  • If the balance is recharged during the grace period, a new validity period will begin.

  • If the beneficiary does not recharge the balance during the grace period, the service will be suspended, and the beneficiary will lose the remaining balance in their account within six (6) months from the last recharge date.

The company is committed to notifying the beneficiary one week before the service is temporarily suspended, using other registered numbers of the beneficiary or any other available means.



Mobile Number Reallocation


In the event of account termination or non-renewal during the reservation period:

  • The beneficiary loses their number without prejudice to the company's right to take actions to recover damages in accordance with the agreement or applicable laws.

  • If the beneficiary requests reconnection after the reservation period has expired:

    • Their request will be treated as a new request.

Priority is given to the beneficiary for reassigning the same number, as long as it has not been assigned to another beneficiary or is not part of the premium numbers auctioned.



Beneficiary Data Privacy


Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulations, the company or its authorized agents for selling prepaid services are entitled to obtain personal information from the beneficiary for the purposes of providing the service, sending bills, directory information, and credit assessment, in accordance with the privacy policy approved by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. The company must obtain the beneficiary's consent for any other use beyond what is stipulated.

For training, financial control, quality monitoring, and regulatory compliance purposes, the company reserves the right to record customer service calls, without prejudice to the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulations.

The beneficiary's password and account information are highly confidential and used to verify their identity. The beneficiary must protect them carefully, and the company will not be responsible for any issue arising from their disclosure. Accessing the beneficiary's account and making any changes to it is restricted to the beneficiary only.


The company is obligated to disclose any beneficiary's private information to the authorities mentioned in the Criminal Procedures Law, the Telecommunications Regulatory Law, or any other related law, upon receiving an official request from them.



Phone Directory Services


FRiENDi Mobile will include the beneficiary's number(s) in the phone directory if the beneficiary desires.

The number will be used solely for directory and assistance purposes, and no other information will be displayed beyond what is permitted by the applicable guidelines.



Transfer of Number Ownership


All telecommunications numbers are publicly owned, and the Authority is responsible for determining, allocating, reallocating, reserving, amending, and recovering them at its discretion. Accordingly, the phone number assigned by the company to the beneficiary is not owned by the beneficiary. The phone number may be changed or withdrawn at any time after notifying the beneficiary, in accordance with the regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority in this regard.


The company, after notifying the beneficiary, may reassign the beneficiary’s number for technical reasons and is not liable for any loss, damage, or costs incurred by the beneficiary due to this. In the event of reassigning or redistributing numbers, the company will comply with the instructions issued by the Authority.

If the beneficiary does not accept the reassignment of their number, they are entitled to:

  • Terminate the service, provided they pay all outstanding amounts up to the termination date.

  • File a complaint with the Authority.


If the beneficiary transfers to another operator, they have the right to retain their current number, subject to the applicable regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.



Liability Limitations


The company is exempt from liability to the beneficiary for fulfilling any of its obligations or providing its services when this is due to a force majeure event.


Without prejudice to the provisions of the law and the company's obligations under the decisions and licenses issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the company acknowledges that it will not be liable to the beneficiary, under any circumstances, for consequential, indirect, or special damages or for loss of profits. The company assumes no further liability to the beneficiary, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct by the company, its officials, or employees.


The company is exempt from the responsibility of ensuring network functionality on mobile devices with incorrect, counterfeit, or duplicated International Mobile Equipment Identifiers (IMEI).





All content provided through the company's services is protected by copyright, and beneficiaries are not entitled to distribute or supply it to others without obtaining written consent from the copyright owner.



General Provisions


The company may subcontract or delegate any of its obligations under this agreement to another person, but this does not exempt it from any responsibility for fulfilling any obligation.



Applicable Law


The terms of service are subject to the provisions of the Telecommunications Regulatory Law issued by Royal Decree No. 30/2002 and its amendments, as well as all other related Omani laws.